Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A Case of Role Reversal?

Who holds the power in today’s relationships; the men or the women? Traditionally it’s been the men, but I’m afraid that tradition is soon to see its final days. Just a generation ago, colleges’ of all types were dominated by males. It was back in a one paycheck era when women subordinated their own sense of accomplishment to their husbands’. Today we see a very different picture. In fact, today men are the minority in colleges and everything we’ve always had, money and power, women can acquire too. No longer does a woman have to find a successful husband to make a good life for herself, which allows her be a little more selective when dating.

With women taking on more of a power role, men seem to grow more and more apprehensive. Women are now the pursuers, have more affairs than men, but dislike having to be aggressive, and the once competitive, risk-taking man seems to be diminishing to a reticent, soft and withholding boy.

There’s a problem though: most women would prefer not be dominant in a relationship. Girls never use to have to call the guys for dates, or make the post first date follow up call. Today, these acts are not uncommon. For all the men who may have dated a girl and been called too nice, this is what they’re talking about. Women want someone who is adventurous, risky, dangerous and fun; a man who can lay the foundation for a more equal partnership and one who will love her and fight for her.

1 comment:

TankerCyclone said...

This makes sense to me. I have actually noticed that the girl I've been dating recently doesn't like me to do everything when it comes to dates or whatever. She will actually make the date and want to pay sometimes. Its something I'm not used to, but I like it because it seems to even the role in the relationship a little more.

Rusty Goldsmith